Andy's Bee Meadow can be found near the end of Broadgate, next to the footbridge over the River Ribble. It lies at one end of what is known as the Linear Park. This meadow is a wildflower meadow that was sown and has since been maintained by Let's Grow Preston volunteers.
It is called Andy's Bee Meadow after Andrew Greenwood, one of its most dedicated volunteers sadly passed away from cancer in early 2015.
The meadow gives a fantastic display in late spring/early summer and we would recommend to anyone to go and enjoy it.

Now demolished to make way for traffic changes in Lune Street
For the last 3 years we have tended to the corn exchange beds on Lune Street, enabling volunteers to reach 1000s of people over the years by presenting a most beautiful herbaceous border in the middle of our city.
The social inclusion and sense of achievement that the volunteers experienced has been a great boost to all those involved and the bed was a beautiful example of what Let's Grow Preston achieves.
We continue to work with both Preston City Council and Lancashire County Council and we have no doubt that we will continue to improve our city environment.
Thanks to all those who volunteered specifically at the corn exchange bed and also to our volunteers across the city of Preston, the community gardens, of which 24 are in our network, and the additional scores of volunteers who strive to green up our city.
The herbaceous plants and the bulbs were all donated to Let's Grow Preston by volunteers and local nurseries including Bannister Hall Nursery who donated many of the spring flowering bulbs that were in the border.
Let's Grow Preston volunteering coordinator, Chris Taylor, in addition to his volunteering for us, is an employee of Lancashire Wildlife Trust and we enjoy a great relationship with LWT and our other partners. Chris has attended each volunteering session at the corn exchange beds for the last 3 years and on behalf of the trustees and committee of Lets Grow Preston I would like to thank him sincerely for his continued support, efforts and input. He is a valued member of our team at Let's Grow Preston.
Every year Let's Grow Preston runs a Plant Donation Scheme.
In spring many gardeners around the city 'split' their perennials often leaving them with excess plants. The plant donation scheme gives these gardeners an opportunity to donate these plants to be used within the community.
In the first year the plants donated were used to plant up one of the beds at the Corn Exchange, in the second year they were donated to Avenham Community Garden to help plant up their fantastic project.
Keep your eye open for more news on news on this years plant donation scheme.
Have a look at our Donate page to see what else you can donate to Lets Grow Preston

Abundance Preston is great project that involves harvesting fruit from urban fruit trees all around the city
Every year there is an 'abundance' of fruit (free food) that is lost as it falls from trees and rots into the ground.
Abundance Preston is about harvesting this fruit and putting it to good uses, such as apple pressing sessions, bake and eat sessions and just distributing around communities.